About Dr Brendan Cronin
MBBS (Hons), DipOphthSci, B.Com, LLB, FRANZCO
Dr Cronin is a Corneal & Anterior Segment Surgeon & the Director of Education at the Queensland Eye Institute in Brisbane Australia.
Dr Cronin grew up on the Gold Coast, Queensland and completed his medical and ophthalmic training in Brisbane. He trained in his subspecialty of Corneal, Refractive and Anterior Segment Surgery at the prestigious Manchester Royal Eye Hospital in the United Kingdom.
Dr Cronin has published articles in numerous international ophthalmology journals and is a member of both The European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and The Cornea Society.
When not at work he enjoys spending time with his wife & children.
What makes Dr Cronin different?
I have been the patient! I needed urgent eye surgery when I was a medical student. Thankfully the surgery went very well and I maintained excellent vision – thank you to modern ophthalmology!! That’s why I became an ophthalmologist. I fell in love with the amazing technology and treatments we have available. But this means I know what it is like to be in your position. I know what it is like to be nervous or even petrified at the thought of being awake for an eye operation.
So don’t worry. If you are having cataract surgery with me, you will be so heavily sedated you won’t remember any of the procedure. Just turn up to the hospital, meet the anaesthetist and wake up in recovery. The same applies to pterygium surgery, corneal transplants and the majority of other eye operations.
Dr Cronin is one of the only ophthalmologists in Australia to openly provide an all inclusive fixed cataract surgery price for uninsured patients.
Procedures Dr Cronin specialises in: